Obligatory Nutcracker Post

Ah, Nutcracker--the inevitable love/hate relationship of any classically trained dancer.  I believe every ballerina goes through periods of never wanting to hear Tchaikovsky's score played again and simultaneously getting chills from hearing it played just right.  Being seven years past my own last professional performance of The Nutcracker, I can happily say that I more often than not, fall into the latter category.  Tchaikovsky, (although it is rumored that this work was far from his favorite), has left us a wonderfully whimsical score, which highlights the entire orchestra in just that perfect combination of regality, joy, anticipation, and excitement.  The music gives the dancer so many things to draw from for inspiration from--there are always new elements of the score to discover---a new instrument you never heard before.  Because of this, I wanted to share this lovely live rehearsal of London's Royal Ballet rehearsing the Grand Pas de Deux.  This rare opportunity offers a glimpse into the language and process of how we go about rehearsing in a professional setting.

Happy Holidays, and enjoy!


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